Friday, August 26, 2011

SuRpRiSe ParTY!!

 A surprise birthday party we had for Rachel! She walked in the door and the first group of people were there.. than later she walked into a different room and the second group of people were there! :) (The pictures are a little mixed up, sorry about that!)


  1. Aww.. it was so nice to see people's faces from N.C again. :) I love french bread and that dip stuff.
    I forgot to tell you I started a blog about a month ago. :O

  2. Good Job Jules. You helped way more than you know, and thanks for recording the evening Shall we do a toast and bang our glasses together now?

  3. I wanna propose a toast... to Julie, for taking pictures and helping and being awesome.

  4. I laugh when I see Micah sprawled out on the floor while Rachel comes in the door. He stayed there for a while, waving his foot around in the air.
