Saturday, July 16, 2011

Cabin Time 2011 [Part 1]

Well... if I always get this many comments and stuff for wanting this post maybe I should go to PA more often so I have more picture to post! ;) That would suit me perfect! Haha..! Well... here goes.. Enjoy! (And no.. didn't take even half of these pictures!)
First I will start out with some pictures of the place just to give you a little idea of where we were! Well... they aren't really pictures OF the place because we didn't really take any like that..

Our kitchen

We had one RV.

And than like.. 10 of these cabins

Behind us (obviously!) is the gym. And the kitchen was off of the gym.

And this was right outside the gym.

Now I hope I got all the cousins in those pictures. :) I think I did.. Somewhere in all those pictures is all of us cousins.. I think thats enough for this post! I'll be doing more later.. 


  1. awesome... looks like a blast! more pictures? :)

  2. Aww! Looks like you had fun! These picture make me miss you like crazy. Lol
    Love Ya! Your Dear Friend & Brother, Skye

  3. By the way, it's cool to finally see a picture of you. :)

  4. Juli. You have an amazing (and cute) set of cousins. Thanks for the post, finally.

  5. Juli, no comment. Ha you know what I'm thinking:-)

  6. Where are the other pictures you promised to post?

  7. i love the picture of Goy and Grace!! looks like you guys had a ton of fun! :)

  8. Haha! I was going though your posted and wow, you have some cute cousins:-)
