Tuesday, May 24, 2011

FINALLY posting again. :)

Ok.. so I did not take any of these pictures except the ones with Grace in them. :). She took the rest of them. Enjoy! :)
Well.. We definitely had our moments! :) 

This was like.. the best one we had of all of us. :)

Someone made the remark that the flowers look prettier than us. :)

Dear Yo and Mel. <3
Amazing Yo. :) <3

Beautiful Rach. :) <3
Wonderful Mel. :) <3
This.. would be us. :) Haha.

These girls... are gorgeous! 
And this baby.. is so.. stinkin.. cute! <3 :)


  1. .. :) you guys are shnuck.

  2. FINALLY!!! yAy!! I luv you guys' shirts!! They're fab! I miss you!

  3. Good for you. Ii was waiting

  4. and! i hate how my butt sticks out

  5. awe! juli! thanks for posting these. could you please come over and give me the pics on the flash drive before ya'll leave??? PLEASE!

  6. Wow! I've looked at these pics before, and then all of the sudden it struck me.. You guys have the same shirts on!! lol :) I like the pics!
